UZRT 2014
16 May 2014
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
PROGRAMME (ver. May 8)
9.00: Opening
Room | A-122 | A-123 |
Session 1 |
Teacher education and training Chair: Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović |
Assessment issues Chair: Sanja Čurković-Kalebić |
9.10-9.30 | Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović Seeing is believing: Role of video recordings in raising student-teachers’ self-awareness |
Marianne Nikolov & Gábor Szabó Developing a framework to assess students’ foreign language proficiency in 6th and 8th grades in CLIL programmes |
9.30-9.50 | Nataša Pavičević Foreign language teaching anxiety among student teachers of EFL |
Istvan Thekes Presentation of a diagnostic vocabulary test for young learners |
9.50-10.10 | Mónika Fodor, Magdolna Lehmann & Réka Lugossy Findings from a CLIL course for university faculty |
Ildikó Lukácsi-Berkovics Measuring HSL proficiency in the Hungarian-Chinese Dual Language School |
10.10-10.30 | Zrinka Fišer & Dino Dumančić How do I ‘ujnumbel’ this? : A Study of EFL teachers’ competences and preferences in teaching students with dyslexia |
Zoltán Lukácsi Progress monitoring in business English at the Budapest Business School |
10.30-10.45 | Discussion | Discussion |
10.45-11.00 COFFEE BREAK
Room | A-122 | A-123 |
Session 2 | Motivational aspects Chair: Valentina Šarac Lekić |
Linguistic aspects Chair: Nadia Mifka Profozić |
11.00-11.20 | Tea Glavaš The self-concept related dimension of motivation in intensive adult EFL learning setting |
Akasha Ghaboosi Six years of UPRT research papers: A corpus linguistics analysis |
11.20-11.40 | Valentina Šarac Lekić Measuring motivation of EFL teachers |
Csilla Keresztes Recent changes in the national languages of medicine |
11.40-12.00 | Kata Csizér, Katalin Piniel & Edit H. Kontra The foreign language learning motivation of Deaf students: The results of a cluster analysis |
Nadia Mifka Profozić Speech act of disagreement in English language teaching course books |
12.00-12.20 | Kornél Farkas “The most demotivating language teacher ever” – A qualitative study on EFL learners’ beliefs |
Sanja Čurković Kalebić On the use of Intensifiers in the spoken discourse of L2 students of English |
12.20-12.35 | Discussion | Discussion |
12.35-14.00 LUNCH BREAK
Room | A-122 | A-123 |
Session 3 | Perceptions and attitudes Chair: Stela Letica-Krevelj |
Classroom processes Chair: Renata Geld |
14.00-14.20 | Stela Letica Krevelj Pscyhotypological beliefs: the role of language typology and language contact |
Lucilla Lopriore Investigating learners’ progression in time |
14.20-14.40 | Adrienn Fekete Hungarian students’ attitudes towards native and non-native English varieties in listening comprehension tests |
Sharon Ahlquist `You learn more when it’s fun!´ Storyline and the young language learner |
14.40-15.00 | Krisztina Szőcs Language teachers’ perception and classroom practices regarding language learning autonomy in a Hungarian secondary school |
Krisztián Simon To e or not to e? Students’ e-learning needs and habits at the Institute of English Studies at the University of Pécs |
15.00-15.15 | Discussion | Discussion |
15.15-15.30 COFFEE BREAK
Room | A-122 | A-123 |
Session 4 | Skills Chair: Lovorka Zergollern-Miletić |
Intercultural aspects Chair: Tihana Bagić |
15.30-15.50 | Júlia Kovács Achieving coherence in Japanese EFL students’ argumentative writing |
Tihana Bagić Intercultural and linguistic competence |
15.50-16.10 | Mate Pleić & József Horváth Original copy and other oxymorons: The Zagreb — Pécs project re-reloaded |
Judit Dombi & Zsófia Turányi Whales migrate, and so did the Pilgrims and the Simpa tribe in Africa – The influence of cultural knowledge on the test-taking strategy choice of 13-and 14-year old Hungarian learners of EFL |
16.10-16.30 | Magdalena Franjčec & Nives Vujasić Perception of words in noise: L1 vs. L2 |
Discussion |
16.30-16.45 | Discussion |
16.45 -17.00 Closing