UZRT 2014
Empirical Studies in Applied Linguistics
Zagreb, Croatia, 16 May 2014
Welcome to the homepage of the 9th Empirical Studies in Applied Linguistics round table
This year the conference takes place in Zagreb, and UPRT becomes UZRT. We hope you will find the reports on current research of experienced and novice researchers to be presented in the talks enriching and inspiring.
Some conference information is already up, but the UZRT 2014 homepage will be regularly updated with new information. Please revisit and check out the latest information as the conference time approaches.
As the hosts of this year’s Empirical Studies in Applied Linguistics round table, we wish you a successful conference and a pleasant stay in Zagreb.
Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović
Stela Letica Krevelj
Dear UZRT 2014 participants,
Trying to accommodate some presenters’ objective needs we have made some changes in the conference programme, so please check out the updated programme.
Once you arrive to the venue, please follow the UZRT 2014 signs. The big arrows will lead you to the first floor, where registration will take place (in front of the two conference rooms: A-122 and A-123).
We wish a pleasant trip to all those who need to travel to get here.
According to the weather forecast it will be cool in Zagreb on Friday. But do not let it spoil your good mood, it only means our conference will be really cool!
We look forward to seeing you all soon,
Stela and Jelena